Package: dst 1.8.0

Peiyuan Zhu

dst: Using the Theory of Belief Functions

Using the Theory of Belief Functions for evidence calculus. Basic probability assignments, or mass functions, can be defined on the subsets of a set of possible values and combined. A mass function can be extended to a larger frame. Marginalization, i.e. reduction to a smaller frame can also be done. These features can be combined to analyze small belief networks and take into account situations where information cannot be satisfactorily described by probability distributions.

Authors:Peiyuan Zhu [aut, cre], Claude Boivin [aut]

dst.pdf |dst.html
dst/json (API)

# Install 'dst' in R:
install.packages('dst', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • ads - The Captain's Problem. 'ads': Relation between variables Arrival
  • captain_result - The Captain's Problem. 'swr': Result of the evaluation of the Hypergraph at node Arrival
  • dlfm - The Captain's Problem. 'dlfm': Relation between variables Departure delay
  • fw - The Captain's Problem. 'fw': Relation between variables Forecast of the weather
  • mrf - The Captain's Problem. 'mrf': Relation between variables No Maintenance
  • mrt - The Captain's Problem. 'mrt': Relation between variables Maintenance done
  • swr - The Captain's Problem. 'swr': Relation between variables Sailing delay



5.96 score 6 stars 126 scripts 357 downloads 48 exports 38 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:f3cde030ab. Checks:8 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesFAILFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-winERRORFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-macERRORFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-winERRORFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-winERRORFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 14 2025



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Help pageTopics
Add some elements of 0 mass to an existing basic chance assignment.addTobca
The Captain's Problem. 'ads': Relation between variables Arrival (A), Departure delay (D) and Sailing delay (S)ads
Find upset, downset of a set among a latticearrow
Basic chance assignment mass functionbca bpa
Computer norm between two basic chance assignment objectsbcaNorm
Simple printing of the 'tt' matrix and mass values of a basic chance assignment (bca)bcaPrint
Print summary statistics of large mass functionsbcaPrintLarge
Representation of a mass function in a product spacebcaRel
Truncation of a basic chance assignment mass functionbcaTrunc
Calculation of the degrees of Belief and Plausibility of a basic chance assignment (bca).belplau
Evaluate A, B errorsbelplauEval
Calculate belief, disbelief, unknown, plausibility, plausibility ratiobelplauH
Calculate belief, disbelief, unknown, plausibility, plausibility ratio with logsumexpbelplauHLogsumexp
Calculation of the degrees of Belief and Plausibility of a basic chance assignment (bca) with logsumexp.belplauLogsumexp
Plot belplau matrixbelplauPlot
Find inf, sup of a latticebound
The Captain's Problem. 'swr': Result of the evaluation of the Hypergraph at node Arrival (A)captain_result
Compute qq from ttcommonality
Find the value in base 10 of a number coded in another baseaplDecode decode
The Captain's Problem. 'dlfm': Relation between variables Departure delay (D), Loading delay (L), Forecast of the weather (F), Maintenance delay (M)dlfm
Construct subsets names from column names of a tt matrixDoSSnames
Generalized inner product of two matricesdotprod
Remove duplicate rows in a two-dimensional table.doubles
Combination of two mass functionsdsrwon
Combination of two mass functions with logsumexpdsrwonLogsumexp
Reduction of a relationelim
Convert a value to its representation in another chosen baseaplEncode encode
Extension of the frame of discernment of a variableextFrame
Extension of a relationextmin
The Captain's Problem. 'fw': Relation between variables Forecast of the weather (F) and Weather at sea (W)fw
Intersection of two tables of propositionsinters
Intersect two vectors of ssnamesintersBySSName
Adding small probabilitieslogsum
Transformation of an array data to its matrix representationmarrayToMatrix
Transformation of the tt matrix of a relationmatrixToMarray
Construct m vector of a bca from marginal probabilitiesmFromMarginal
Construct a mass vector from qq function and ttmatrix of focal elements recursively.mFromQQ
The Captain's Problem. 'mrf': Relation between variables No Maintenance (M = false) and Repairs at sea (R)mrf
The Captain's Problem. 'mrt': Relation between variables Maintenance done (M = true) and Repairs at sea (R)mrt
Naming the columns of the 'tt' matrixnameCols
Naming the columns of the 'tt' matrix of a product spacenameCols_prod
Combining the column names of a matrix to construct names for the rowsnameRows
Normalization of a basic chance assignmentnzdsr
Normalization of a basic chance assignment with logsumexpnzdsrLogsumexp
The peeling algorithmpeeling
Plausibility transformation of the singletons of a frameplautrans
Product space representation of a relationproductSpace
Summary of a vector for any operator.aplRDV reduction
Obtain dimensions of an array or length of a vector with a single commandaplShape shape
The Captain's Problem. 'swr': Relation between variables Sailing delay (S), Weather at sea (W), and Repairs at sea (R)swr
Prepare a table of resultstabresul
Construct a description matrix from a list of subsets names.ttmatrix
Construct tt matrix of a bca from marginal probabilitiesttmatrixFromMarginal
Construct a description matrix from a qq vectorttmatrixFromQQ
Create partition matrixttmatrixPartition